Wednesday, 12 March 2025



Senior residents who are in their 70’s and 80’s tend to lose the ability to speak, hear, talk, and walk. Most of the senior residents who have lived their life honestly are at the mercy of others to fulfill their day-to-day needs. Many of the senior residents are left alone for hours together during any emergency and the chances of admitting them in hospitals are limited. This not only results in the end of some one’s life but also brings physical disablement to the senior residents and discomfort to the rest of their family members. 

Many houses will not have trained manpower available for elderly care. Affordability is another major reason for ignoring senior residents. There is no one prepared to take care of them due to several reasons. In the present commercial world, everything has become money-oriented and there are less human services prevailing. As the future is going to be largely of senior residents, it is the need of the hour to form the assisted living facility. Some consider assisted living and retirement living are one at the same, but it is not. Assisted living comes beyond retirement living. One may be happy while they are independent to take care of their daily routines as long as their health permits. But when they become old and 

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